1 to 1 Sound Healing Session (In-person or online)
1 to 1 Sound Healing Session (In-person or online)
1.5 Hour Sound Healing Session
Recline on your mat, soak in the sounds and feel deeply calm.
Your one-to-one session is tailored to your specific needs, with a range of instruments, techniques and therapeutic tools that will resonate with you.
Our focus is your wellbeing and some well deserved indulgent relaxation.
After booking please contact Tessa Ann by email to info@thesoundhealingspa.com to arrange your online or in-person appointment.
Our In Person Session Venue
The Sound Healing Spa
Temple Studio
88 Carryduff Road
BT27 6YL
The Sound Healing Spa
Book your Session Online or get in touch
Meet your Expert
Within her practice, Tessa Ann uses the medium of sound for personal development & wellness. Her wealth of experience spans across 25 years to include her work as therapeutic sound practitioner with:
1-2-1 clients , Community, public and corporate organisations, teaching and events.
She also delivers and organises sound and wellness experiences for festivals and events.
As well as The Sound Healing Spa, Tessa Ann is the founder of TESSA UN Ltd. the Therapeutic Sound Academy & creator of The Sound Oracle therapeutic sound learning system.
Care for your own wellbeing too
Take a moment to look after yourself and experience the benefits of a sound bath for yourself with one of our events, online or in person.